Get your blog load faster

How to Make Your Blog Load Faster than ProBlogger

How to test your blog’s speed

So you can do a before-and-after comparison, take a moment to check how quickly your blog is loading now.

There are many tools online that let you test load speed, but I prefer to compare the loading speed of my blog against others—after all, that’s what your users will do.

One of my favorite tools for loading comparisons between two sites is WhichloadsFaster. To check your blog’s loading speed against a competing blog or a major website that’s used by readers in your niche, enter your site’s URL and that of the other site into the two boxes provided. Simple!

Here are the results of the loading speed comparison between my site and ProBlogger:

Choose an efficient theme.

Review your hosting

Remove extra widgets and plugins

Use the WordPress W3 Total Cache plugin

Use a content delivery network (CDN)

Optimize your blog images

 Source: ProBlogger